Monday, June 27, 2011

Corrie: Pub Brawl scenes not lived up to expectations?

I'm rather disappointed the climax of Becky's antics was rather
short-lived including today's 'pub brawl'. I appreciate it is Corrie
and it's not past the 9pm watershed. But when this leaked out some
weeks ago in the press, the way it was hyped, one would have though
they in for an action-packed thriller! I don't know if this has been
dressed down, but I'm sure from where it stemmed with Chris and Frank
- Chris was supposed to beat Frank to a pulp.

The collison with the coloured guy was hilarious, but at the same
time, a little far-fetched. I know this sort of thing happens in the
real world in bars on a Friday-Saturday night and you only have to see
the AE in your local hospital. I would have thought they could have
put this viewing for a Friday night after 9.

The coloured guy was a monster and he would have easily put Jason
Grimshaw through one of those windows in the Rovers - where were the

Come on Corrie, at least live up to the hype!

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