Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Avengers Still Emerges Online

Strutting out the pages of Empire...Empire subscribers will have already seen this brand new Avengers still of course, but just as a tease for those of you still looking forward to pick up a copy tomorrow, here's a picture of Cap', The Black Widow and Hawkeye strutting towards the camera to get you all excited.{Avengers Strutting Still}Giving us a much clearer look at Captain America's new, modernised outfit - in particular his more rounded head gear - it also tells us more about how the team will inevitably seperate to kick extra Loki ass.So take a look at the snap above and let us know what you think. Have you barely handle the excitement?Are you still desperate to see more Ruffalo's Hulk?Have you worked out who the other bad guys in the film will be?Let us know in the comment box below.Elsewhere in the new issue, there's a interview with the man behind Marvel's superhero supergroup, Joss Whedon himself, where he reveals more about how on earth he's going to pull off such the monumentally difficult task of making sure it's not another Iron Man /CaptainAmerica / Thor /Hulk movie.The Avengers is out on April 27, and Empire's new blockbuster special is on shelves tomorrow, February 22.

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