Wednesday, July 6, 2011

In what movie does a cheerleader sing the song I wanna be bad by Willa Ford?

In a movie i remember watching some time ago, a cheerleader sings and
dances to this song to win a cheerleader Competition. I can't find or
remember what the movies called.

Some other pointers to the movie~
-I think the reason he was at a persons house because he lost his
child hood. Like his parents were big movie star and had no time for
him or something?

-I remember a seen when him and his temporary brother(?) were walking
on stilts in front of a fence to do some cool things and impress the
neighbor girl that the boy had a crush on.

-He helped the little girl in the cheerleader Competition by making a
dance with her.

-At the end he left for a movie. But he came back and gave tons of
Christmas presents to the pour family that he once went to for his
childhood. The girls husband left and she was pregnant. I also
remember that the person who lost his childhood got together with the
mom of the kids.

So do you guys got any idea what this movie might be called? I mean
I've searched the web tons of time but i've never actualy found it!!!

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